Derivation of FTRL-ADP¶
This is a variant of the FTRL-proximal proposed by McMahan et al. in Ad click prediction: a view from the trenches.
This theorem leads to an efficient recursive algorithm to compute $w_t$ at each time step.
Suppose that $\|w_t\|_2 \le R$ and $\|g_t\|_2 \le G$. With $\lambda_1=\lambda_2=0$ and $\lambda_p=1$, we have the following regret bound for FTRL-DP: \begin{equation}\label{eg:dpregret} Regret(w^*) \le 2R^2 \frac{1-\gamma^T}{1-\gamma} + \frac{G^2}{2} \frac{1-\gamma}{\gamma^T}\sum{t=1}^{T}\frac{\gamma^t}{1-\gamma^t} \end{equation}
We prove that a proper choice of $\gamma$ can lead to a sublinear growth of the expression on the right-hand side. Specifically, if we choose $\gamma = 1 - \frac{\ln T}{2T}$, we have the following sublinear regret bound: $$Regret(w^*) \le 4R^2\frac{T}{\ln T} + \frac{G^2}{2}\frac{(1 + \ln T)}{(1 - \frac{\ln T}{2T})^T}$$
This theorem leads to a formula to update the decaying rate so as to ensure sublinear regret bound.
FTRL-ADP and Concept Drift¶
import os
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ftrl_adp import FTRL_ADP
from IPython.display import HTML
from utils import animate
import matplotlib
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, hstack, csr_matrix
import matplotlib.animation as animation
%matplotlib notebook
font = {'size' : 4}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
def animate(i):
global X_input, Y_label, SIM_SPEED, r_bound_last
if float(X_input.shape[0]) / SIM_SPEED < i: return
r_bound = min((i+1)*SIM_SPEED,X_input.shape[0])
l_bound = max(r_bound-200,0)
if r_bound <= X_input.shape[0]:
X_batch = X_input[l_bound:r_bound,1:3]
Y_batch = Y_label[l_bound:r_bound]
# Draw data points
alphas = np.linspace(0.0, 1, X_batch.shape[0])
rgba_colors = np.zeros((X_batch.shape[0],4))
rgba_colors[:, 3] = alphas
rgba_colors[:, 2] = Y_batch.astype(
# Update the model
for alg in algs:
classifier = algs[alg]
for row in xrange(r_bound_last, r_bound):
indices = X_input[row].indices
x = X_input[row].data
y = Y_label[row]
p, decay =, x, y)
error = [int(np.abs(y-p)>0.5)]
# Draw the decision line
indices = np.arange(X_input.shape[1])
x = X_input[r_bound-1].toarray().ravel()
weight = classifier.weight_update(indices)
offset = np.sum(weight[3:] * x[3:]) + weight[0] * x[0]
if weight[2] != 0:
line_points = np.array([[xlimit[0], (-offset-weight[1]*xlimit[0])/weight[2]],
[xlimit[1], (-offset-weight[1]*xlimit[1])/weight[2]]])
d_lines[alg].set_data(line_points[:,0], line_points[:,1])
# Draw the error lines
errors = all_errors[alg]
e_lines[alg].set_data(np.arange(len(errors)), np.cumsum(errors)/(np.arange(len(errors))+1.0))
# Draw the decay line
if 'adp' in alg:
decays = all_decays[alg]
c_lines[alg].set_data(np.arange(len(decays)), decays)
r_bound_last = r_bound
return plot_points
# Load data
e_range = (0.2, .4)
d_range = (0.9, 1.)
X_input, Y_label = load_svmlight_file('dataset.txt')
temp = csr_matrix(np.ones((X_input.shape[0], 1)))
X_input = hstack([temp, X_input]).tocsr()[:,:3]
ftrl_adp = FTRL_ADP(decay = 1.0, L1=0., L2=0., LP = 1., adaptive=True, n_inputs=X_input.shape[1])
algs = {'ftrl_adp':ftrl_adp,
clrs = {'ftrl_adp':'blue',
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,2))
# Make the scatter plot on the left
xlimit = (np.min(X_input, axis=0).toarray()[0,1]-0.1, np.max(X_input, axis=0).toarray()[0,1]+0.1)
ylimit = (np.min(X_input, axis=0).toarray()[0,2]-0.1, np.max(X_input, axis=0).toarray()[0,2]+0.1)
scatterplot = fig.add_subplot(131, autoscale_on=False, xlim=xlimit, ylim=ylimit)
plot_points = scatterplot.scatter(np.array([0]), np.array([0]))
d_lines = {}
for alg in algs:
decision_line, = scatterplot.plot([], [], 'r-', linewidth=2, c=clrs[alg])
d_lines[alg] = decision_line
# Make the error plot at the middle
errorplot = fig.add_subplot(132, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-1, X_input.shape[0]), ylim=e_range)
errors = []
all_errors = {}
for alg in algs:
all_errors[alg] = []
e_lines = {}
for alg in algs:
error_line, = errorplot.plot([], [], 'r-', linewidth=1, c=clrs[alg])
e_lines[alg] = error_line
# Make the decay plot on the right
decayplot = fig.add_subplot(133, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-1, X_input.shape[0]), ylim=d_range)
errors = []
all_decays = {}
for alg in algs:
all_decays[alg] = []
c_lines = {}
for alg in algs:
decay_line, = decayplot.plot([], [], 'r-', linewidth=1, c=clrs[alg])
c_lines[alg] = decay_line
r_bound_last = 0
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=350, interval=200, repeat=False)